Morden Baptist Church is a fellowship of ordinary people seeking to follow Jesus with our whole lives and show His love to the world.
We gather on a Sunday to worship God, to hear His word to us through the bible and to be family together, encouraging one another in our discipleship journeys. MBC is not just a Sunday church, but through the week we meet in life groups or through our community projects, and we go to our own places where God has put us and with the help of the Holy Spirit we seek to love and serve Him there.
We are part of London Baptists and Baptists Together.

Everyone is welcome to be part of the family at MBC. For those who decide to make MBC their home we invite you to be a partner of the church. This is a covenant relationship that says we are your church and will help and support you in your faith journey, it also says you are part of the church and will help and support others and the vision of the church.
As a Baptist church we follow a model of church decision making and leadership that together discerns the will of God and invites partners to make important decisions together in the church meeting. Partners also appoint a leadership team to provide direction and oversight for the church, as well as to manage its day to day running. If you would like to become a partner at MBC…
Vision & Values

Statement of welcome
MBC is a diverse church of different backgrounds and theological beliefs, drawn together by the love of Jesus Christ and our desire to support each other and to love our community. At MBC we follow the example of Jesus, welcoming everyone and seeking to embody his radically inclusive love, knowing that every person is created in the image of God and is precious to him. We believe the diversity of God’s creation is part of what makes it beautiful.
We are a church that is learning to create safe spaces where we can disagree about important things and still remain united in the love of Jesus. We have diverse perspectives on faith, theology and biblical interpretation and we are journeying together in respect and love for one another as we explore important questions.
Whoever you are you will receive a warm welcome at MBC and whether you journey with us for a little or long while, we welcome you to come and be part of this beautiful, diverse and sometimes messy, but always loving family.